3 Tips For Making Your Newborn Photography Session A Success

If you have a baby on the way or just gave birth to a new member of the family, then you may be excited for that upcoming session with a newborn photographer. Babies grow so fast that you will likely look back on these photos just a few months or years from now and appreciate the fact that you captured so many fond memories of your baby shortly after birth. 

As you may expect, some newborn photo sessions go more smoothly than others because babies can be unpredictable. However, when you prepare for your photo session well, you can increase the chance that your newborn photo session will be a success filled with few setbacks. 

Read on to learn three tips for making your newborn photography session a success. 

1. Choose Your Photo Shoot Day and Time Wisely

Seasoned photographers recommend scheduling newborn photo shoots when the baby is between 5 and 14-days old. When a baby is under two weeks old, they tend to cooperate more fully during the photo session than older babies do because they are typically more sleepy and relaxed. 

In addition, some photographers also state that the ideal time of day for a newborn photo shoot is first thing in the morning. While many babies become cranky and irritable later in the day, they are typically easy-going and calm during the early morning hours. However, if you notice that your baby is calmer during another time of day, then do not be afraid to schedule your photo shoot during this time period instead. 

2. Embrace White Noise to Keep Baby Calm

Before the day of your photo shoot, ask your photographer if they keep a white noise machine on hand to soothe fussy babies. If not, then you may want to bring your own machine. Just as white noise can help babies calm down and relax when it is time for a nap, it can also calm down a crying or irritable baby during an infant photo shoot. 

Experiment with the sounds the machine makes to determine which calms your baby down most. While one baby might enjoy relaxing to the sound of gentle raindrops, another may prefer white noise that sounds like ocean waves. 

3. Feed Your Baby Directly Before the Photo Shoot

While you can stop to feed your baby in the middle of their photo shoot if they become hungry, remember that many newborn photographers charge by the hour when conducting photo shoots. For this reason, you should feed your baby directly before the photo shoot. When your baby starts the photo session with a full stomach, it limits the chance that time will be spent feeding your baby during the session. 

If you plan to have a newborn photo shoot to capture unique pictures of your new baby you can cherish for years to come, then follow these tips to help make your photo session a success. Reach out to a newborn photographer in your area to get more tips.
